Uncle Mordecai asked recently ascended Queen Esther to speak up for her threatened people, encouraging her with the famous words, "And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14).
Of course, it is what God does! He raises up a Moses, or Deborah, or Elijah, or Daniel, or John--and so many others, for specific times, with specific skills and gifts, particularly able to serve God and his people at critical moments.
What an absolute joy to see God doing that here and now at Damascus Community Church! The "health emergency" we (and everyone else) faces at this moment has brought to light just how he has been blessing DCC with new and capable ministry staff, joining a team that is dedicated to serving the body.
There are new tools available in our day to communicate and engage one another through technology. Some of our younger staff (and yes, some of the veterans too) are creatively addressing our needs as a body with gifts and abilities to implement these tools in a way some of us would never have known to do, much less known how to use! Partnering with some of the more "seasoned" staff and volunteers, we have a team that is working diligently and skillfully to serve you on Christ's behalf "at such a time as this."
I wish everyone could see from my vantage point "behind the scenes". We have new, younger leaders who have been creatively utilizing technology so the body can still experience teaching and worship, "together" though not gathered. Capable facilities staff combined with those who know how to establish new communication avenues have made pastors more accessible, even when the office is staffed irregularly. As the Elder Council deliberates on how to address certain decisions and issues, newer members bring helpful insights from their areas of experience and training. Ministry leaders in Bible Studies, Children and Youth ministries, and our adult ministries are preparing new delivery methods for instruction. Our school administrator and teaching staff are making plans to keep our DCS students engaged in learning until we can use our classrooms again. The list could go on.
For such a time as this, God has blessed us with an amazing array of tools, and exceptional ministry staff and volunteers, so that DCC will continue serving the needs of the body and our communities. Don't be surprised if we learn some new ways of operating that will carry over beyond our immediate crisis! I get excited about what God has in store for the future of DCC!
We must give thanks to God because he has gone before us, even as he is continuing to walk with us through this difficult time. Pray for those who are having to make decisions, and for those seeking to creatively address the unique situation we are in. Pray for those who are negatively impacted in multiple ways by this viral plague. But don't forget to thank God for his ongoing faithfulness, so evident even in the midst of difficult times.
Then with a fresh sense of God's presence to strengthen you, consider that you too are here for such a time. You are here to intercede for others in prayer. As you think of someone who may need encouragement, give them a call, or send them a message to let them know you, and God, care about them! Look for other ways you may be used of God to care for needs around you. Followers of Jesus are here, now, for such a time to serve the greater purposes of God.
Pastor Steve