
There are many ways to get involved in local and global ministries. We host and participate in local events, we're partnered with local and global ministries, we support missionaries, and above all we pray the will of God be done.

Local Outreach

We host and participate in many local events each year. We also partner with local ministries to help those in need in our community. The following are some ways we are involved in reaching out:

Participating In Local Events

  • Cars and Coffee at Damascus runs from May through September on the third Saturday of each month. There are no registration fees and free coffee and donuts are provided!

  • Day in Damascus is a local Damascus event held on the last Saturday of July each year where we like to serve.

  • Harvest Festival is an annual event on Oct. 31 that provides a safe and fun environment for children of all ages.

  • Red Cross Blood Drives are something we host several times throughout the year.

Partnering With Local Ministries

Global Outreach

DCC has partnered with mission agencies and organizations to make disciples around the globe:

  • NOE Center reaches out to the youth of Morelia, MX through education, sports, and language training.

  • Base Ministries provides training for church leaders throughout the world.

  • Africa New Life Ministries provides teaching, evangelism, leader training, care, business training, and much more, for the people of Rwanda and surrounding nations.


DCC recognizes the power of prayer and has many opportunities to get involved in praying for local churches, revival, the needs and concerns of the church body, missions, etc. Please click the button below to visit the page detailing prayer opportunities at DCC:



We support multiple men and women who serve on mission in Central & South America, the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. Click the button below to learn more about our missionaries and find links to their prayer letters, updates, and blogs.

Barnabas Teams

Barnabas Teams are small circles of supporters for the missionaries sent from DCC to global missions and they act as encouragers, prayer warriors and champions for a particular missionary family. Support global missions without packing your bag!