Coming Events
December 6, 2019 - Evening Christmas Tea
February 29, 2020 - One Day Retreat at DCC
April 18, 2020 - Honored Widow’s Brunch
September 25-27, 2020 - Cannon Beach Retreat
Bible Studies
Ladies Precept Study with Gay Joachim
Tuesday mornings in the Friendship Center from 9:30-11:15 am
Contact Gay Joachim (503) 658-59-seven-seven
Fruit of the Spirit Study with Ellen Davis and Teri Briones
Tuesday mornings in the Prayer Room at 10 am
Contact Teri Briones (503) 658-74-four-six
Bible Study Fellowship
Thursday Mornings 9-10:30 am
2nd Wednesday of each month (September-May)
9-11 am in the Library (Childcare available)
Contact Melissa Foley: foley.melissa.mae[at] or (503) 577-31-seven-four
Stich ‘n’ Share
1st, 3rd & 5th Mondays of each month
9 am-2 pm in the Friendship Center
Contact Eileen Kendall: (503) 666-83-seven-nine Eileen doubleseesk[at] OR
Judy Hayes (503) 723-99-seven-three wjhayes3[at]
Grandma’s Prayer Group
Sunday Evenings at 5:30 pm
Contact Donna Blake (503) 658-56-nine-one or Nancy Rohart (503) 665-97-nine-five
Ladies Fun & Fitness
Monday/Wednesday at 5:30 pm
Contact Terri Huggins at (503)349-14-one-zero
For more information on Women's Ministry go to