What’s Next? (In case you missed it…)

If you were unable to attend the recent "What's Next?" event, you missed an enjoyable night of worship, dessert, and a report on the Building on Faith process.  

Here's a summary of the report that was given, including what has happened to this point in the process:

Background through 2017-
  • Many ideas considered, studies done, and conversations about the best way to build to facilitate the ministry the Lord has called us to as a church.
  • Responding to ministry and maintenance needs, and believing the time had come, the Elder Council (EC) concluded it is God’s will that we pursue facilities development.
  • The EC develops a concept for building, a structure to replace the current wing between the Sanctuary and the Gym.
  • Through interaction with the DCC family (church and school constituencies) by utilizing the service of Influencing Generations for Christ, we found affirmation of unity on our mission, vision, and need for building.
What’s Next? 2019- (see graphic)
  • Development of a plan to raise the needed capital to build (“Caleb Study”).  
  • This will be followed by a capital campaign in two phases, leading to the building program.

The Elder Council is trusting God to lead us toward facilities that will better enable ministry.  We seek the ongoing prayer of the entire DCC body as we move toward building.