skillet with bacon and eggs in it

Brothers of DCC, 

I would like to invite you all to another Men's Breakfast on September 14th, 2024 (09/24/2024) at 8:00 AM. Since we have not met in a handful of months, we will be gathering together for breakfast, and then having an extended period of fellowship and prayer time. I will have some prompts for prayer that will be provided. I am very much looking forward to it. This will be in a sense, our fall "kickoff" since we had a brief hiatus in July and August. Also, if you have not been in a while, please come as there are some important announcements that will be made. I hope this email finds you all well. If you can, please RSVP here. For any other questions, please feel free to contact me. My contact information is below. 

Blessings in Christ, 

971-207-7 thousand
stouderzach [at]