For over a year, DCC's Wednesday prayer meetings have continued on Zoom with a group of dedicated prayer warriors meeting weekly to pray for the needs of the DCC church body, our persecuted brothers and sisters, and those serving as partners on mission. This week, that prayer meeting is moving back on campus.
Join us this Wednesday, Sept. 8 at 7pm in the DCC Library for a time of prayer and fellowship as we intercede for our brothers and sisters in Christ here in Damascus and around the world.
On-campus prayer meetings will take place every 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. Each 4th Wednesday we will return to Zoom to provide an opportunity for corporate prayer to those who are unable to make it to campus. To join this Zoom prayer meeting, please request an invite at this link
Questions? Contact Merle Marks, DCC Prayer Ministry Director, at