October 23, 2023
Can you believe we are already looking at the end of October and the end of 1 st quarter is just around the corner! Check out the latest Eagle Eye edition for this week's ...

October 16, 2023
Don’t miss out! Stay up to date with the Eagle Eye for this week's schedule and upcoming dates and check out all the highlights and great things God is doing in What’s Ha...

October 9, 2023
We are at the halfway mark of the 1 st quarter! We hope your family has settled into a routine and is navigating all things DCS well. Check out this week’s edition of the Eagl...

October 2, 2023
We have wrapped up the month of September and are starting off October full speed ahead! Check out this week’s edition of the Eagle Eye for a look at the schedule and upcomin...

September 25, 2023
Check out the 3 rd Edition of the weekly Eagle Eye , where you can be in-the-know and stay connected! Keep reading for important announcements!
Safety Concern – When dropp...

September 18, 2023
DCS fall sports are fully underway and our teams are having a great start to their seasons! Open this week’s Eagle Eye for all the schedule particulars and read on for more i...

September 11, 2023
Welcome to the 1 st Edition of the 2023-2024 Weekly Eagle Eye. Each weekly edition will include important news, announcements, and reminders; as well as a look at the week’s ev...

September 6, 2023
It was great to have you all back on campus tonight during our back-to-school family night! We are excited to get the year started tomorrow morning. Student Council (StuCo) would ...

September 5, 2023
Happy Labor Day! We are excited to kick off the school year with our Back-to-School Family Night tomorrow night! Please make note of the revised schedule. We look forward to seein...

August 22, 2023
We trust you are enjoying the final weeks of summer. We are fast approaching the start of the 2023-2024 school year! Here on campus, our fall sports have gotten underway, staff h...

June 5, 2023
We said goodbye to our Seniors on their last day of school Friday after a special ½ day high school chapel. With the final week left of the school year upon us, we have a lot more...

May 29, 2023
Our track and field state qualifying athletes had an exciting, albeit stressful, end to their season while at Hayward Field in Eugene, Oregon this last week. Things didn’t go as p...

May 22, 2023
It was such a special time last week celebrating and showcasing all the many talents and giftings God has given our students through the Fine Arts Fair and Spring Music Concerts! ...

May 15, 2023
Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU! to our DCS families for all the love, appreciation, goodies and gifts you showered us with this past week. An extra special Thank You to Josilyn...

May 8, 2023
With only 5 weeks of school remaining, the calendar is full, with lots of classroom and culminating events. Make sure you are up to date on all that is happening by checking out t...

May 1, 2023
The reviews are in and, for all that were able to see the DCS theater production of Once Upon A Mattress this weekend, it was a hilariously fun time! Excellent job everyone! We ...

April 24, 2023
Congratulations to our high school Boys Volleyball Team! They completed their season this last week with the league playoffs on Thursday. Coming in seeded 3 rd , they knew they...

April 17, 2023
Track and Field season is clipping along and going well. At this point, we have had many athletes improving their PR times/distances and one athlete broke a school record! The tri...

April 10, 2023
We pray you had a wonderful Easter Weekend celebrating our risen Lord! Enjoy one more day off from school Monday, 4/10, while our staff prep and plan during in-service. Find all t...

April 3, 2023
We hope everyone is rested, recuperated and ready for 4 th quarter, because we are coming out of Spring Break week hitting the ground running! Check out the Eagle Eye for t...