September 19, 2023
Dear DCC Church Family, Grace Crossing Bible Church (formerly Estacada First Baptist) is hosting a Legacy Grandparenting Summit Simulcast the weekend of Oct. 20th and 21st ....
September 17, 2023
PLEASE NOTE: The Building on Faith fall fundraiser banquet originally scheduled for Friday, October 13th has been canceled. We're moving our fundraiser event efforts toward a s...
September 10, 2023
As the Lord continues to grow the ministries of Damascus Community Church & Christian School, we find ourselves in need of additional space to facilitate our mission to call peopl...
September 7, 2023
September's prayer calendar can be found here: Thank you for praying!
September 3, 2023
The DCC Elders are please to present Steve Huggins as a DCC Elder Candidate. Steve grew up as a missionary kid with his parents being missionaries to the American Indians ...
August 30, 2023
Exodus Bible Studies will begin the second week of September . We are going to study Exodus—Let My People Go! We will see Moses develop as a leader. God will deliver His peo...
August 23, 2023
Dear DCC Family -
Praying together is an essential part of our life as a church body. For that reason, please consider participating in two important opportunities to pray to...
August 21, 2023
Dear Damascus Community Church Family - On September 17, we will begin a 3-week sermon series in the book of Ephesians, with applications drawn specifically to how DCC lives out o...
August 17, 2023
A second service program for 4th-6th graders will begin Sunday, September 10th. Children will focus on spiritual disciplines and participate in hands-on activities, games, and phy...
August 16, 2023
Whether you're new to Damascus Community Church, or you've been attending for a while, or you're just curious about what we do here at DCC, don't hesitate to join our upcoming Wel...
August 13, 2023
Thank you to all of those who helped make our Building on Faith Garage Sale a success! What an incredible event! I really had a lot of fun working with all our volunteers on this...
August 11, 2023
We have a Red Cross Blood Drive coming up on August 26th from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM in the Gym at DCC. Your donation is needed to keep ample blood supply available for patients in ...
August 8, 2023
Attention families with kids 0-12 years! Bring your family and a lunch to the Damascus Centennial Park after church this Sunday, August 13th!
July 29, 2023
When you’re faced with trouble and your back is up against the wall, what is your first reaction? I’m sure most of us would not say, “I praise God.” But that’s exactly what Paul ...
July 28, 2023
We are in need of a coordinator for the Red Cross Blood Drives held at DCC. We have a blood drive in August where you can learn what is involved and support this endeavor. We us...
July 27, 2023
DCC's sermon series in 1 John comes to a close this Sunday. Where in the Bible are we going next and why? Here's a message from Pastor Andy:
July 23, 2023
Tomorrow, Sunday July 23rd , churches from around the Portland area will come together at Portland's Waterfront Park to serve & pray, and to worship together in a service led by ...
July 21, 2023
As a part of our vision as a church family, Damascus Community Church seeks to be a HUB: a center for training and sending disciples for Christ's mission . Which means, we need ...
July 6, 2023
Attention families with kids 0-12 years! Bring your family and a lunch to the Damascus Centennial Park after church this Sunday, July 9th!
June 30, 2023
Thank you for your continued work as a prayer warrior! The July 2023 prayer calendar can be downloaded here: